Monday, September 21, 2020

5 things you should know about business Visa Australia subclass 132

More many years Business Visa Australia pathway has been a great contributor in the country’s economy and business environment. Many talented Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Investors and Business Professionals have migrated to Australia and became successful entities in the due course. This enabled the country to improve and enhance its business ecosystem wherein all the vendors, distributors, sellers, buyers, and businesses can grow together.

Here are some factors you should know about subclass 132:

•The pathway is designed for entrepreneurs

Visa subclass 132 pathway is mainly used by the entrepreneurs and business owners who wish to establish or purchase an existing business in Australia. All you need to have a required amount of net-worth in order to conduct business activities in the countries. The nature of these pathways involves the applicant to start and run their own business or purchase and run an existing business that may not be suitable for the investors.

•There are 2 sub-categories under this pathway

Sub-stream 1 - Significant Business History stream – This is the most preferred pathway for the business entrepreneurs as the process is straight-forward. By demonstrating the net-worth and capacity to run a business in Australia, you can apply under this stream.

Sub-stream 2 - Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream – This stream can be complicated as it involves acquiring venture capital funding from the Australian Investment Council (AIC). The required amount must be acquired from this firm.

•There are different amount of requirements

Significant Business History stream

The net value of minimum AUD1.5 million

Annual business turnover of minimum AUD3 million

Total net assets of minimum AUD 400,000 as of the ownership interest in one or more qualifying businesses

Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream

Must acquire the funding of a minimum AUD 1 million from the Australian Investment Council (AIC).

•The visa comes with many amenities

Under this visa, you can bring your family where they can work and study in Australia. You can also enroll for Australia's public health care scheme – Medicare, sponsor certain relatives, and travel to and from Australia.

•Route to permanent Residency

Under both sub-stream of Business Visa Australia, you can attain permanent residency for a period of 5 years. By staying for a minimum of 4 years in Australia, you will be eligible to apply for Australian Citizenship.

To know more on the Business visa Australia application process, you may call us at 8595338595 or write us on for free counseling

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